Daisy Do flowers completed

All the flowers have been completed and now it’s a matter of cutting out the 266 pieces for the background. Trying to have the quilt put together by the end of June. Works out that I will need to sew at least 2 pieces a day. Think that will be possible ?





These are the half flowers for the edge of the quilt




Had a go at adding the joining pieces . The book gives instruction to do them in rows . Just wanted to see how the seams come together . All the measurements are fine just need to watch that the point of the background piece matches the point on the small petal.






The point of the joining piece is off centre.


Here is where the points needs to meet .

Didn’t get the piecing right first time.







Pinned this piece and started sewing from the middle out and it seemed to work for me.





Happy stitching and enjoy your week.


2 thoughts on “Daisy Do flowers completed

    1. Hi, Thanks I need all the support I can get. The small pieces are not as bad as they look. Suppose it’s like most piecing the precision is the tricky bit.


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